Antaneea Technique
l an-tan-eea l - Mind, body soul massage.
This renowned and sought-after colour soul massage therapy, was developed to assist an awaking of true self by restoring balance to the energy centres, serving to affect the emotions positively. This special massage technique uses colour oils and sound vibration, balancing and affecting our outer/material reality. The process assists us in remembering the truth of who we are, rediscovering ourselves and reconnecting with soul.
Antaneea Therapy
Antaneea therapy is a holistically oriented therapy which integrates the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of each of us. It accomplishes this by helping us to become aware of our bodies and the sensations we experience through them. Our stressful life styles result in us losing touch with the moment by being preoccupied with what has happened (past) or what will happen (future). Taking the time to reconnect with our true selves allows us to become aware of where we are "holding" emotional issues. These physically manifest through pain or discomfort.
Antaneea Colour Massage
Taking time to inwardly reflect provides an avenue for getting in touch with what you are really feeling and experiencing rather than just being lost in thought and activity. It is during this time that you will more easily notice other sensations or feelings. It is natural, especially if any of these sensations are uncomfortable, to want to change your focus, to move away from them. Antaneea allows you this special time in a space and peaceful environment, while the therapist uses a unique multilevel colour massage technique.
See the December/January issue of Odyssey for a feature article on the Antaneea Technique...